Baby’s Developmental Milestones: 6 Months Jul 03 , 2024

Your baby is halfway to a year and starting to notice that there’s a beautiful world waiting to be explored. As he/she becomes more alert and active, each day will bring you big surprise. But, as it’s known to all, learning and play go together for babies. So just start preparing your home and yourself for a brand new baby!

·Social Milestones

Recognizes familiar people

Likes to look at self in a mirror


·Communication Milestones

Takes turns making sounds with you

Blows “raspberries” (sticks tongue out and blows)

Makes squealing noises

Recognizes his/her name

Makes sounds to show positive and negative emotions

·Cognitive Milestones

Puts things in her mouth to explore them

Reaches and grasps a toy

Closes lips to show she doesn’t want more food

·Physical Development Milestones

Rolls from tummy to back

Starts to be able to sit without a support

Pushes up with straight arms when on tummy

Leans on hands to support herself when sitting



